City of God: Rio de Janeiro (2024)

There just isn't a more beautiful city than Rio de Janeiro. Florence and Manhattan have their disparate architectural glory and sunsets, but when the world's natural beauty was being handed out, Rio, with its undulating verdant mountains, sweeping brushstrokes of golden sand, effervescent surf and backdrop of rainforest, was right at the head of the queue. Even its infamous favelas — popular with rubbernecking wealthy tourists — are picturesque and candy coloured.

Rio is an aesthetic joy, from the pavements decorated with Roberto Burle Marx's iconic tiled waves, to the tropical trees lining the streets of Santa Teresa and Ipanema, their tendrils tickling the cobbles and their trunks blooming with orchids growing around their circumference. Incredible, immense, frigate birds glide over the seafront like pretty pterodactyls. Below, skateboarding Cariocas weave their way past the street vendors; shiny, toned youths perform chin-ups on outdoor parallel bars; and surfers ride the waves towards Prainha Beach.

Since my first visit to Rio in the lawless early 1990s, the tone of the city has changed drastically. The beaches are still the focus of everyday life but the streets around Barra, Santa Teresa, Leblon, Ipanema and the Botanical Gardens today have their own distinctive kind of urban life, with hip bars, restaurants and boutiques. Chloé-clad women lunching at the frequently paparazzi-besieged restaurant Celeiro in Leblon cheerfully leave expensive handbags on their pavement tables while they peruse the salad bar inside.

"Most of the Favelas have been pacified since the 80s and 90s," says tour guide Felipe Heras Rocha, on our way to see native architect Oscar Niemeyer's as-yet unfinished collection of buildings in Niteroi. "The bandits have headed north."

And yet, on a particularly idyllic afternoon, two police helicopters chopper low, at speed, over the beach in Ipanema towards the slums across the water. "Trouble near Sao Conrado," remarks one of the many young and beautiful on the most fashionable stretch of sand in the city, between the rainbow flags of the gay beach and lifeguard station number 9. As the noise of the helicopter blades fades, everyone returns to their beer and brightly coloured bags of tapioca crisps. A beautiful boy spins in mid-air performing capoeria moves while a fashion shoot gets underway on a nearby rooftop. Life in laid-back, and sun-drunk, photogenic Rio de Janeiro goes on as normal.


Start by taking the funicular railway to the top of the Corcovado on a clear afternoon to see Christ the Redeemer and then take a helicopter around it the next day from the heliport on the lagoon. It might seem repellently touristy, but you'll forgive yourself once you've circled the city and got a totally unique perspective on its beauty.

Once you've had your fill of the beach, head downtown. The Theatro Municipal — a scaled-down replica of the Paris Opera — has had its gold curls and columns tarted up, but most of the once-ravishing colonial buildings around town have been left to rot. Instead there is unlikely beauty in the form of the St Sebastian cathedral, inaugurated in 1976. From the outside it's an unsettling, soot-covered concrete Blade Runner cone, but inside it's a transporting, if still sinister, masterclass in contemporary stained glass and angles. It feels otherworldly and the experience is quite overwhelming. Unlovely concrete has been turned into a fine art elsewhere in the city in the hands of Brazil's architectural superstar Oscar Niemeyer, who now is over 100. Rio has a wealth of post-war modernist architecture, but none of it more amazing than his white flying saucer-like Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi and, nearby, the still unfinished Caminho Niemeyer buildings (including the Oscar Niemeyer Foundation). Then there's the private home he abandoned when he was briefly in political exile, the Canaos House. Bizarrely, few visitors make appointments to see the latter. English isn't spoken, so unless you're fluent in Portuguese, visit with a guide. It's a tranquil spot in the hills past Niemeyer's abandoned tube-shaped skyscraper hotel in Sao Conrado, and a paradigm of his fluid, Jetsons-modernist style.


A decade ago, food in Rio was lacking to say the least — either insufferably salty or sweet, with few options beyond the meat feasts at the churrascarias. There's been a transformation though, with globe- trotting local chefs embracing European techniques along with uniquely Brazilian, specifically rare Amazonian, ingredients. You'll eat dishes here that you won't find anywhere else in the world, much of it a revelation and quite the adventure. "I want you to have fun in my restaurant. Enjoy!" demands Felipe Bronze, the chef at Oro, as a waiter puts down a plate of his 'Caprese Reveal', a perfectly polished orange dome that disintegrates, as if by time-lapse photography, when a hot consommé is poured over it. Bowls of dry ice are ferried from table to table while diners tuck into beef rib that's been cooked for 45 hours, served with jabuticaba fruit.

There's culinary sorcery afoot, but with a little more restraint, at celebrity chef Roberta Sudbrack's restaurant. The stand-out dishes include pork rib with what really are the best chips of all time, and a 'pre-dessert' of chocolate and manioc — a posh version of the Brazilian fondant Brigadeiro cake.

The Amazonian tasting menu at Le Pré Catelan comes with an illustrated booklet, highlighting the more esoteric ingredients in the dishes — its food is a whole evening's entertainment. Dinner is resplendent with umami flavours, savoury marzipans and even an anaesthetic tingle from the jambu herb. A cut of the mighty tambaqui fish is served as a section of rib with a smoked mousse.

Much Brazilian food continues to be lead-heavy and rich. When you crave something lighter, go to Celeiro — the most fashionable of the a kilo restaurants, where you self-serve a salad and pay by weight. Or book a table at Market, where owner Beatriz Laboto has created the kind of place you want to go, as she says, "straight from the beach". Everything, from grilled salmon with black rice to quinoa risotto or a smoothie is light and fresh; it's a delicious, colourful, sun-drenched kind of cuisine.


The best shopping, if you're looking for unique-to-Rio stores, is done on foot around Ipanema and Leblon. This is where ladies who lunch go for retail safaris before heading to Gero for duck ravioli and a glass of Chardonnay. Go to the chocolate shop Aquim, designed along the lines of a fine jewellery store, where you'll find chef Samantha Aquim's meticulously blended bars and bonbons. Aquim is an alchemist with cocoa, and she even has a fan in Oscar Niemeyer, who designed the wave-shaped bar that comes with her extremely limited edition Q chocolate presentation box. Many international experts consider Aquim's chocolate the very best in the world.

Forget Havaianas and instead buy the recycled flip-flops at the chic design and fashion store Osklen. Their salmon-skin trainers are also strangely beautiful, and the fashion is unusual and leftfield.

Many hotels in Rio use local heritage brand Granado to supply their bathroom products. The highly decorative packaging is a nod to the company's 19th-century roots, and the yellow and green range — Castanho do Brasil, made with brazil nuts — is particularly good. They have a flagship store in Leblon, and prices are surprisingly low for this level of quality and style.

For the very best in Brazilian design, window shop at Arquivo Contemporaneo, four floors of clean lines and elegant modern wood furniture. The star name at the store is Sergio Rodrigues, who rose to fame along with Niemeyer when he furnished much of Brasilia in the 50s. His own atelier is a place of pilgrimage for design disciples from all over the world, while the jovial master craftsman — now in his 80s — remains remarkably unassuming. "People say I'm modernist or postmodernist but I just make what I like", he says.


The landscape of Copacabana is dominated by bland conference-oriented tower-hotels, but there are a couple of exceptions: the Sofitel has excellent service with a French twist, stylish sea-view rooms, one of the best restaurants in town (Le Pré Catelan) and a great position, right beside the old fort — the best place for sunset views. Higher up the price ladder, the Orient Express' Copacabana Palace, an elegant, frothy white folly with an aura of very special occasion, serves an amazing Champagne brunch on a Sunday. And bridal gowns frequently drift by the pool's edge at sunset.

The Fasano is hands-down the most fashionable hotel on the Brazilian coast, with refreshingly pared-back Starck-designed interiors, Sergio Rodrigues chairs on every balcony and a rooftop pool deck for guests that feels, and operates, like a private members club. Diners at its restaurant Al Mare (the chef hails from the legendary Enoteca Pinchiorri in Florence) frequently have to negotiate mobs and barriers when megastars are in residence.

The other hotel of choice for music artists on tour is the secluded Relais & Chateaux Hotel Santa Teresa, the best place to stay in Santa Teresa's arty, cobbled district, close to the rainforest. It's a world away from the mania of the beach, with a peaceful garden, a secluded pool with a fabulous view and a lovely tropical-tinged, predominately wooden interior design. Again, Rodrigues furniture abounds while the restaurant, Térèze, is in the city's top five. Chef Damien Montecer's white bean soup with poached duck egg and truffle and walnut crumble is a knockout.

Also away from the busier beaches, La Suite feels like a very plush private home set into a cliffside, 15 minutes' drive south of Leblon. Outside, all is stark and modernist. Inside there's one black Baccarat crystal chandelier, two pools, three dachshunds and a fiesta of pop-art maximalism. As with the other hotels recommended above, if you want to eat-in, the food — from risotto to filet mignon — is nothing short of fantastic.


"This isn't really a city that's about nightlife," says Niteroi-born fashion designer Daniella Helayel. "Rio is a daytime, beach town." Carnival is different, of course — the parties don't stop for days and days, and you just go with the flow. The rest of the year, the focus is on sundown drinks at the Fasano (Helayel is a regular) before a migration to the Baixo Leblon area for sushi or pizza or just an evening hanging out with the regulars at Jobi. It's a rowdy neon-drenched see and be seen street scene, but not as rowdy as the bars of Lapa.

The de facto club in this downtown-adjacent district is the Rio Scenarium, a shambolic, multi-floored, antique-strewn dancehall with shamelessly bad service but a giddy and unique samba-fuelled atmosphere. More low-key is the local's bar Aconchego Carioca near Praça da Banderia, which has become a go-to destination for foodies as well as night owls, for its wondrous croquettes and Brazilian tapas. There's an epic beer selection and some of the strongest cachaça-based co*cktails in the city.

ESSENTIALS Rio de Janeiro

Getting there
British Airways and TAM both fly direct between Heathrow and Rio six times a week.
Air France, KLM and Iberia depart several times a day from most UK cities, with short connections in Paris, Amsterdam or Madrid.
Average flight time: 11h.

Getting around
There is an underground Metro system, but buses are more frequent than the Metro.
Register on the Bike Rio Samba website to use the R$5 (£1.83) daily public rental bikes.
Taxis are safe and metered. They're also relatively cheap and plentiful and can be flagged down on most busy streets. Few drivers speak English, so it's best to have your address written down.

When we go
The months from January to May are the brightest, driest and least humid. Spring (September and October) is also beautiful. New Year and Carnival (late February) see prices rocket and hotel rooms disappear.

Need to know
Visas: UK passport holders don't require a tourist visa. Entry is by embarkation card, filled in on arrival.
Time difference: GMT -2.
Currency: Real (BRL). £1 = R$2.8.
International dial code: 00 55 21.

Helicopter tours.
Canaos House.
Museum of Contemporary
San Sebastian Cathedral.
Theatro Municipal.

Celeiro. 199A Rua Dias
Market. 499 Rua Visconde de Pirajá.
Oro. 20 Rua Frei Leandro.
Le Pre Catelan. Sofitel
Roberta Sudbrack. 916 Rua Lineu de Paula Machado.

Aquim. 149 Rua Garcia D'
Arquivo Contemporaneo. 147 Rua Redentor.
Granado. 470 Rua General
Osklen. 85 Rua Maria Quitéria.
Sergio Rodrigues. 63 Rua Conda de Irajá.

Relais & Chateaux Hotel Santa Teresa.
La Suite.
Copacabana Palace.

Aconchego Carioca. 379 Rua Barao de Igutemi.
Jobi. 1166 Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva.
Rio Scenarium. 20 Rua do Lavradio.

How to do it
Jacada Travel offers flights to Rio from Heathrow with Air France, transfers, a full day private tour and seven nights at the Relais & Chateaux Hotel Santa Teresa including breakfast, from £2,084 per person.

Published in the Mar/Apr 2012 issue of National Geographic Traveller (UK)

City of God: Rio de Janeiro (2024)


How accurate is the movie City of God? ›

Even though some of the characters and events of City of God are fictionalized, the backdrop of the story makes it one of the most historically accurate movies of all time. Beyond the factual context, though, the movie feels particularly realistic thanks to the use of genuine people and places from its true setting.

Why is City of God so highly rated? ›

The film offers an unflinching look at gang life in the City of God, as it follows the favela through three decades; the 60's, 70's and 80's, and shows how violence just spirals into more violence with the disturbingly high amounts of violence in the favela, most involving teenagers and children.

Why is Rio de Janeiro the city of God? ›

City of God or “Cidade de Deus" (named after a concept by Saint Augustine) is the name of a residential area planned to relocate (to a very remote area) people from favelas (slums) that were torn down to build upper class neighborhoods in central Rio. That's to say: a sharp example of Brazil's inequality system.

What do Brazilians think of the city of God? ›

So the film in some way revealed Brazil to Brazilians. Also City of God was a hit, and Brazilian cinema really grew. At the time, City of God was the best performing film at the box office in 30 years, then two years later was the third best-performing, and five years later the eleventh.

What is the true story of City of God? ›

The film is based on the true story events of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the height of a brutal war between two gangs lead by Manoel Machado Rocha (Mane Chicken) and Jose Eduardo Barreto Conceicao (Ze Pequeno aka Lil Ze). The bloodshed took place during the 70s and 80s in a favela (Cidade de Deus City of God).

Who is Ze Pequeno in real life? ›

The real Zé Pequeno was a Brazilian drug lord named José Eduardo Barreto Conceição, infamous for his use of child soldiers and his brutality in gang fights.

What is the criticism of The City of God? ›

The film is seductive, disturbing, enthralling -- a trip to hell that gives the passengers a great ride. Like a bomb exploding in a fireworks factory: It's fierce and shocking and dazzling and wonderful. A marvelous achievement that refuses to avert its gaze from the poetry and the insane savagery of the hopeless.

How disturbing is City of God? ›

CITY OF GOD( LEVEL OF VIOLENCE: 8,5/10) The movie is foccused in criminal acts and sometimes has blood and gore, but not that bloody. Violence involving children is shown. A prison guard is seen beaten up. Adults and children brandishing firearms almost non-stop.

What is the main point of The City of God? ›

Lesson Summary

While the city of God offers true happiness and eternal salvation, the Earthly City, or city of Man, will eventually be met with eternal damnation. Or in other words, loving God is the route to heaven, while prioritizing earthly concerns and loving oneself leads to hell.

Why Rio de Janeiro is so great? ›

Nestled between rolling green mountains and the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, Rio de Janeiro is a renowned for its cultural heritage. Often referred to as the 'Cidade Maravilhosa' or 'Marvellous City,' Rio boasts iconic landmarks that serve as architectural symbols of its rich historical and cultural legacy.

Why is Jesus in Rio de Janeiro? ›

The concept was originally proposed by Princess Isabel in 1888. Rather than agreeing to a monument constructed atop Corcovado in her honour for freeing the slaves, the princess asked that an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ to be erected, declaring Him to be the True Redeemer of Mankind.

Is Rio de Janeiro one of the 7 Wonders of the world? ›

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro is one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World because it is recognized as the largest bay in the world.

Has Jesus played for Brazil? ›

In July 2022, he joined Arsenal in a deal worth £45 million. After winning 21 caps and scoring 7 goals at youth level, including reaching the final of the 2015 FIFA U-20 World Cup and winning an Olympic gold medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics, Jesus made his senior debut for Brazil in September 2016.

Does Brazil celebrate Jesus? ›

First, Christmas Day in Brazil is called Dia De Festas, observed on December 25th. The day is given over to acts of faith centering on the birth of the Christ child, Jesus Cristo. Festivities begin the night before on Véspera de Natal, Christmas Eve.

What is the Jesus thing in Brazil? ›

Christ the Redeemer' (Portuguese: Cristo Redentor) is a colossal statue of Jesus Christ at the summit of Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro in southeastern Brazil. Celebrated in traditional and popular songs, Mount Corcovado towers over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's principal port city.

What is the historical context of The City of God? ›

A masterpiece of Western culture, The City of God was written in response to pagan claims that the sack of Rome by barbarians in 410 was one of the consequences of the abolition of pagan worship by Christian emperors.

What religion is City of God movie? ›

CITY OF GOD contains numerous references to the vestiges of Christian belief within the slum, but Christianity offers hope for only one minor character in the story.

Is City of God based on a true story on Reddit? ›

They don't need big shootouts, or explosion, because this is not an action movie, this is almost a documentary, not only because it's based on actual events, but because it documents the reality (yes, I know I keep using that word) Brazilians live in.

What is the message in The City of God film? ›

If there's a message that the film espouses, it's that, in a culture where violence begets violence, only the names change. When one gang lord is deposed, another will rise in his place. And, as often as not, it's the children, more than the adults, who have to be watched.


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.