11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War (2024)

The 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment is honored bytwo monuments at Gettysburg.


AprilThe independent companies that would become the 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment were ordered to Corinth.May 4The regiment was formed in Corinth under Colonel William H. Moore, Lieutenant Colonel Philip F. Liddell and Major Samuel F. Butler.MaySent to VirginiaMay 13Mustered into Confederate service in Lynchburg.May 19Arrived in Harpers Ferry, VirginiaJune 16Withdrew from Harpers Ferry to Winchester with Johnston’s ArmyJune 17Colonel Falknerof the 2nd Mississippi was put in command of a brigade consisting of the 2nd Mississippi, the 11th Mississippi, the 4th Alabama and the 1st Tennessee.June 19General Bernard Bee took command of the brigade.July 18Ordered to support Beauregard at Manassas. The sick were left at Winchester and the regiment marched through Ashby’s Gap to Piedmont. Companies A and F under Lieutenant Colonel Liddell boarded a train for Manassas with the 2nd Mississippi.July 20Companies A and F arrived at Manassas about noon. They accompanied the 2nd Mississippi and were put in a suporting position behind McLean’s and Blackburn’s Fords on Bull Run.The rest of the regiment under Colonel Moore boarded the train that had been sent back from Manassas. It would not reach the battlefield in time for the battle.July 21

Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)

Companies A and F under Lieutenant Colonel Liddell were sent along with Bee’s Brigade to reinforce the endangered left flank. They arrived at the scene of the fighting around 11, crossing Young’s Branch and forming a defensive line that was supported by two batteries. Under heavy small arms and artillery fire that mortally wounded General Bee, the companies fell back with heavy losses and reformed behind Jackson’s Brigade. They then joined Jackson in the attack on the Union batteries. The two companies lost 7 men killed and 21 wounded.

July 22Colonel Moore accidentally shot himself in the foot with his pistol. He returned to Missippi to recover and later resigned. After Moore recovered from his wound he went on to command the 43rd Mississippi and would be killed at the Battle of Corinth.General William Whiting took over the brigade after General Bee died of his Manassas wound.November 6The regiment was presented with Confederate colors.WinterThe regiment went into winter camp with the 2nd Mississippi Infantry at Dumfires.


March 8Moved to Fredericksburg.AprilMoved to Yorktown.April 26The regiment reorganized and reenlisted for the duration of the war, mustering 504 men. Lieutenant Colonel Philip F. Liddell was elected colonel, Major Samuel F. Butler lieutenant colonel and Taliaferro S. Evans of Company H major.May 10At RichmondMay 31-June 1

Battle of Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks

The 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment supported the Third Alabama in its attack on the 52nd New York, then moved to the front line, taking heavy casualties. Captain William B. Lowry was wounded in the face.

mid-JuneSent with Whiting’s Division to temporarily reinforce Jackson’s Army of the Valley. Colonel Evander Law commanded the brigade while Whiting commanded the division.June 18Reached Strasburgend of JuneReturned to the Richmond areaJune 26

Battle of Mechanicsville

Marched from Ashland and rebuilt the bridge over the Totopotomoy but was ordered to bivouac and never joined the battle.

June 27

Battle of Gaines’s Mill

The regiment, with the rest of Law’s Brigade and Hood’s Brigade, charged and broke the center of the Federal line. It lost 18 men killed, 142 wounded, and 3 missing out of the 400 men engaged. Major Evans and Captains Reuben O. Reynolds and George Shannon were wounded.

July 1

Battle of Malvern Hill

The regiment took no active part but lost 1 man killed and 20 wounded from artillery fire.

Mid-JulyThe regiment with Whiting’s Division was transferred to Longstreet’s Command.July 26General Whiting left on medical leave. Brigadier General John B. Hood took over command of the division.August 22Moved to Freeman’s Ford on the Rappahannock.August 28Moved through Thorofare GapAugust 29-30

Second Battle of Manassas

The regiment lost 4 killed and 55 wounded.

September 14

Battle of South Mountain

Marched from Hagerstown to Turner’s Gap along the National Road, arriving around 3 p.m. Launched a bayonet attack to turn back Federal troops who were forcing the pass.

September 15Withdrew to a position behind Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg. Hood’s Division acted as the rearguard for the army.September 16Positioned near the Dunker Church. Threw back an enemy advance at dusk along the Smoketown Road. Colonel Liddell was mortally wounded. Lt. Colonel Samuel F. Butler took command of the regiment.September 17

Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)

Attacked at dawn by Hooker’s Federal First Corps, Hood’s Division counterattacked in the Cornfield. General Hood wrote, “I soon became engaged with an immense force of the enemy, consisting of not less than two corps of their army. It was here that I witnessed the most terrible clash of arms, by far, that has occurred during the war. The two little giant brigades of this division wrestled with this mighty force, losing hundreds of their gallant officers and men, but driving the enemy from his position and forcing him to abandon his guns on our left.”

The regiment lost 8 men killed and 96 wounded out of around 200 men. Lt. Colonel Butler was mortally wounded in the stomach and Major Taliaferro Evans was killed when he took command from Butler. The color bearer was killed and the regimental colors lost.

From the first of two brigade tablets on the Antietam battlefield:

September 16, 1862.

On the evening of the 16th, Law’s Brigade advanced from the fields in front of the Dunkard Church to a position in the East Woods, on either side of the Smoketown Road, where it supported the skirmishers of Wofford’s Brigade in resisting the advance of Seymour’s Brigade.

The engagement ceased at dark. At 10 P. M. the Brigade was relieved by Trimble’s Brigade of Ewell’s Division, and withdrawn to the woods west of the Dunkard Church.

From the second brigade tablet:

September 17, 1862

Law’s Brigade advanced from the woods at the Dunkard Church at 7 A.M. and relieved Trimble’s Brigade across the Smoketown Road south of this point. Gradually gaining ground to the left, its center on the open ground and its right in the East Woods, it assisted in repulsing the advance of Ricketts’ Division, First Corps. Supported on the right by the 21st Georgia of Trimble’s Brigade and the 5th Texas of Wofford’s Brigade, it advanced to the northeast corner of Miller’s Cornfield and the woods adjacent, from which it was dislodged by the advance of the Twelfth Corps. It withdrew to the fields south of the Dunkard Church and was not again engaged.

September 25Colonel Liddell died of his wound at Sharpsburg.October 3Lieutenant Colonel Butler died of his wound at Frederick.Captain Francis M. Green of Company G was promoted to major and then to colonel, Captain William B. Lowry of Company A to major and then lieutenant colonel, and Captain Reuben O. Reynolds of Company I was promoted to major, with the final promotions all effective to the death of Colonel Liddell on September 25. However, Jefferson Davis refused to confirm Green’s appointment.November 8The regiment and the 2nd Mississippi were detatched from Law’s Brigade and sent to Richmond and then North Carolina to be the nucleus for a new brigade under Brigadier General Joseph Davis.


January 12Captain Alexander H. Franklin of Company D was promoted to lieutenant colonel.FebruaryLieutenant Colonel Franklin was dismissed. Captain Green was reappointed colonel.SpringThe regiment and its brigade joined Longstreet for the Suffolk Campaign.MayThe regiment, with Longstreet’s command, returned to Lee’s army on the Rappahannock, but too late to take part in the Battle of Chancellorsville.June 3Moved to Fredericksburg and attached to Archer’s Brigade of Heth’s Division in the newly created Third Corps.June 15Began the march for the Shenandoah Valley which led to Pennsylvania.June 25Crossed the Potomac at ShepherdstownJune 30Camped near CashtownJuly 2-3

Battle of Gettysburg

The 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment was assigned to guard the baggage trains on July 1 and missed the opening fighting of the battle. It rejoined the brigade on the 2nd, but Davis’ Brigade was held in reserve due to its heavy casualties the day before. On the 3rd the brigade took part in Pickett’s Charge. The 11th was the left flank regiment in the brigade.

Brockenbrough’s Brigade, the left flank brigade of the charge, took heavy fire from its front and flank and collapsed well short of the Union lines, leaving the 11th Misssippi the exposed left flank regiment for the remainder of the charge. The regiment’s colors and a handful of men made it to the stone wall that was the Union defensive line and were killed or captured there. Major Reynolds was wounded. Company A, the University Greys, was completely wiped out.

Busse and Martin’s Regimental Strength and Losses at Gettysburg show the 11th Mississippi entering the battle with 592 men and losing 102 killed, 168 wounded, and 42 missing or caprued.

Text from the regimental monument at Gettysburg:

The 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, under the command of Col. Francis M. Green and Maj. Reuben O. Reynolds, formed west of the tree line on Seminary Ridge behind Maj. William Pegram’s Battalion of Artillery and immediately south of McMillan’s Woods on July 3, 1863. Shortly after 3:00 p.m., Color Sgt. William O’Brien of Company C, memorialized on this monument, raised the colors and the regiment stepped forward. Although clusters of men reached the stone wall near Brian’s Barn, the attack was driven back with heavy loss, and the remnants of the regiment reformed in this vicinity.

Combatants – 393, Killed in action/died of wounds – 110, Wounded/wounded captured – 193, Captured unwounded – 37, Non-casualty – 53

11th Mississippi Regiment

Company A – University Greys
Layfayette County – 1st Lt. Jonathan V. Moore
Company B – Coahoma Invincibles
Coahoma County – Capt. William D. Nunn
Company C – Prairie Rifles
Chickasaw County – Capt. George W. Shannon
Company D – Neshoba Rifles
Neshoba County – Capt. Jonathan R. Prince
Company E – Prairie Guards
Lowndes County – Capt. Henry P. Halpert
Company F – Noxubee Rifles
Noxubee County – Capt. Thomas J. Stokes
Company G – Lamar Rifles
Lafayette County – Capt. William O. Nelms
Company H – Chickasaw Guards
Chickasaw County – Capt. Jamison H. Moore
Company I – Van Dorn Reserve
Monroe County – Capt. Stephen C. Moore
Company K – Carroll County Rifles
Carroll County – Capt. George W. Bird, Jr.

July 14

Battle of Falling Waters

Serving with the rest of Heth’s Division (temporarily under General Pettigrew since Heth’s wound on July 1) as rear guard for Lee’s Army while recrossing the Potomac, the regiment fought off an attack by Union Cavalry, losing 9 men.


Bristoe Station

The regiment lost 4 men wounded


Mine Run Campaign

DecemberWintered in camp near Orange Court House


MayGeneral Davis was absent on sick leave as Grant opened the 1864 campaign. Colonel Stone took command of the brigade as senior colonel, and Captain J.H. Buchanan commanded the regiment.May 5

Battle of the Wilderness

Moved up the Orange Plank Road to meet Federal forces moving through the wilderness. The regiment was on the left of Heth’s Division, north of the Plank Road, and held off a series of attacks by Hanco*ck’s Federal Second Corps. The brigade was relieved at dusk by Thomas’ Brigade of Wilcox’s Division and moved south of the Plank Road.

May 6The Federal pre-dawn attack broke the Confederate line but the 2nd, 11th, 29th and 42nd Mississippi held the line for two hours until Longstreet’s reinforcements reached the battlefield and launched a counterattack. The brigade reformed and attacked when Longstreet was wounded and his attack stalled. It pushed back Federals threatening an Alabama brigade, then built and defended a log barricade until withdrawn to Lee’s defensive line.May 10

Battle of Talley’s Mill, or Po River

May 12-21

Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

The regiment was only lightly engaged as skirmishers but Colonel Green was mortally wounded on May 12. Major Reuben O. Reynolds took command of the regiment. Casualties for the regiment for the first two weeks in May were 14 killed, 55 wounded and 6 missing.

May 15Colonel Green died of his wound.May 23-26

Battle of North Anna

June 3

Battle of Cold Harbor (Bethesda Church)

The regiment lost 6 killed, 31 wounded and 4 missing.

June 1864-
April 1865

Siege of Petersburg

June 3-18The regiment remained north of the Jame River with the rest of the Third Corps until Lee established that Grant really had shifted his entire army to Petersburg.August 18

Battle of Weldon Railroad, or Globe Tavern

The regiment took part in a counterattack which broke two Federal brigades, then dug in and held the ground gained. It lost 10 men killed and 30 wounded.

September 30

Battle of Peeble’s Farm

The regiment fought along Squirrel Level Road

October 1

Davis Farm

October 3

Squirrel Level Road (Jones’ Farm)

In a raging downpour Heth launched a number of uncoordinated attacks against what he mistakenly thought was a hanging Federal flank. The attacks were beaten back by the well entrenched Federals. The regiment lost 1 killed, 3 wounded and 1 missing.

October 27

Battle of Boyden Plank Road, or Burgess’ Mill

December 1Lieutenant Colonel Lowry resigned due to his wound from Seven Pines. Major Reynolds was promoted to colonel and Captain George W. Shannon of Company C was promoted to lieutenant colonel.


March 25

Skirmish at Hawks Farm

Colonel Reynolds was wounded, losing his right arm, and Captain Nelms was badly wounded. Lieutenant Colonel George Shannon took command of the regiment.

March 30The 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment mustered 64 men.April 2

Breakthrough and Collapse at Petersburg

The regiment was flanked on both sides and retreated to Hatcher’s Run, which was unfordable due to heavy rains. Lieutenant Colonel Shannon and most of the regiment were forced to surrender, although some escaped by swimming the dangerously swollen waters. Color bearer Frank Hope tore the colors to pieces and threw the staff into the stream.

11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War (2024)


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